Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Bringing the light of Christ to a small village in Myanmar

Dear Frens,

I have always been very blessed in my life and I feel very difficult when I meet people who live very hard lives especially when they have not enough to eat or when they have no roof over their heads.

I cannot begin to fathom what it's like to not have a supermarket to pick and eat the huge variety of food I like or to go home to a dusty shack with maybe holes in the roof where cold winds and rain beat down on me when I am asleep.

God has indeed blessed me and my family and many of us with enough, to live a good life. Today, I seek to bring some comfort to a village in Myanmar in the Kayah State, called Daw Tuang Ku village.

It's a village with about about 50 families and it's a village that have no electricity hence no light at night except for candles and kerosine lamps. These light sources are also an expense for these poor families as many can hardly afford to send their kids to school.

As education is almost the only way out of poverty. I have always seeked first to teach the people to fish rather than to give blindly and create a taking mentality.

Here in this village, before us is an abandoned church. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to change this empty building into a building full of hope by converting it into a study hall and a play centre for children so we can attract them to gather, to study and for us to help them in a longer term in other areas of their lives.

We will use new technology and harness God's great gift of light from the sun to power up this building for the night when darkness falls and engulfs the village.

Once the study hall is set up with solar powered lights, children can study and gather at night for more productive activities than to stare into the darkness with empty minds.

We will set up a library, put in a few computers and maybe even a TV for children's educational programmes. I am sure ultimately it will be a study cum community hall for both young and old alike. This 'light' that we can bring to them will surely be able to bestow unlimited blessings into the lives of many. The solar panels will last 10 to 20 years!

Outside this study hall, with funds raised, Project Kyrie will buy wood and the villagers will be tasked to build a playground for their own children. A proper play area where kids can come, play and exercise safely, gather and be helped further.

Frens of project kyrie who would like to join me to nurture the minds and the bodies of these kids who do not even 'light' in this day and age, please do call, text or email me with your contributions.

The fund that we put together today will be called the HALO fund ( Humanitarian Aid & Lifeline Opportunities Fund).  I will personally ensure that we will put the funds into best use and 100% of all monies will reach the poor.

On behalf of these children in Myanmar, I thank you for your generosity. We hope to start asap and have everything completed by and September 2012 before the rainy season sets in.

God Bless,

'Remember that the axis of perfection is charity; whoever lives centered in charity lives in God, because God is charity, as the Apostles said.' - Saint Padre Pio (1887-1968)

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