Thursday, December 20, 2012

Partnering the Canossians in Myanamar to gift mosquitoe nets to needy youths

Dear Frens,

Thank you so much for your contributions and supporting the initiatives by project kyrie.

We managed to buy 380 mosquito nets for 380 Myanmar village children who attended the Canossian's youth camp. The mosquito nets cost $1068.00.

The youth camp is 6-7 hours of bumpy and dusty drive from Yangon. 

Mosquito nets were gifted because although the bad floods in the area have receded, stagnant puddles of water will start breeding of mosquitoes. Mosquito nets will prevent children these children from being bitten and reduce the spread of mosquito borne diseases.

God Bless,

Life is short and riches serve no purpose unless we use them well.
- Saint Henry de Osso y Cervello (1840-1896)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bring Christmas 2012 to People Suffering from Ultimate Poverty!

Dear frens,
Thank you for helping us feed the poor in Gujarat India last Christmas 2012. 

Because many of you were there for them , many were fed. When I see the photos, I thank everyone who stepped forward from the bottom of my heart to make this food distribution possible. 

Special thanks to Alina Sim, Heng Noi, Iris & Martinus, Susan Lee, Lena Tan,Mark Foo,Andrew, Debbie, Benel, Annie Tan.

God Bless,


                                                                                                Photo illustration only 

Dear Frens,

As Christmas and New Year approach, I start reflecting on blessings given to me by God for the year of 2012. It's a long list! I have enjoyed a year of good food and wine, health for my love ones and a year of peace amongst friends and family.

I am overflowing with blessings and I am sure it's the same with many of you, who have also experienced many great blessings worth rejoicing in 2012.

As we enjoy our Christmas celebrations this year, let's also give a feast to the poor who may not have had a good meal for the whole year. Let us reach out to the homeless and hungry that line the streets and live in shacks along the roads of Gujurat, India. 

To be a homeless and hungry adult or child in India, is a suffering that you and I cannot imagine. I am sure it's even beyond our imagination. 

This year, Project Kyrie shares with you this wonderful opportunity to reach out to these very poor people that we always hear about, watch on TV but usually impossible to reach. 

We have a trusted Singaporean friend, whom we have worked with serving the poor for many years and he is heading to Gujarat to visit his family for several weeks. I  have organised with him to buy packs of food costing $2.00 to $2.50 and to organize some volunteers to distribute this food to the homeless adults and children along the streets. 

Receipts and photos will be provided to all who requires it. Photos will be uploaded on facebook as usual.

Those who would like to join me and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and literally feed the poor , do let me know asap. We will order your food packs of blessings and distribute it for you. 

We will be consolidating everybody's contribution up to the 18th of December 2012. Pls note if there are any left over funds we will use to buy necessities for the poor in India eg blankets and groundsheets etc.

Merry Christmas Everyone! 
May God bless you all abundantly for your year of generosity to the poor!

God Bless,

"Give thanks to God, not to me. I am only a vessel of clay."
- Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (1245-1305), Feast Day September 10

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