Dear frens,
Working to assist the poor makes me realise more acutely that I have never been hungry a day in my life..
I feel so blessed that every meal I have had in my life, have been a time for celebration with friends, a time for celebration with love ones & family.
People who know me will know that eating is always a joyous time for me. What they don't know is, the more I enjoy my food, the more I feel a pain in my heart when I see people go hungry.
Some people have so little that even feeding themselves & their kids have become a problem. This is especially true these days, when people hold huge debts to banks and have lost their jobs.
Mother Theresa have always been an inspiration to me. She fed millions of people who had nothing. She also did it with nothing but faith and a desire in her heart to feed all who came to her.
When Willing Hearts approached Project Kyrie for a refrigerated container to feeze food,I felt compelled take this project to our network of friends.
I could see Willing Hearts enlarging their mission to cook & feed for more than 1200 people a day. I saw a way for us to make the difference to those who are now hungry and struggling in our midst. With a refrigerator, a huge 20 foot one, more food could be collected & stored, less food would be wasted.
It is indeed God's grace & mercy that we have a good friend, who with an angelic force of swiftness found, organised & donated this refriegerated 20 ft container in just one day..
I wish to give special thanks for the generous & quick response of Kek Beng, Wllie Goh & friends for making this new outreach possible. It is without doubt that many will be less hungry today because of our brother's great spirit of generosity & solidarity with our less fortunate brothers & sisters.
I am so awed that when God moves, you see the Power of God's love rippling through the hearts of men.
God Bless,