Project Kyrie could not have done it without you!
Dear Frens,
Since I started exploring more deeply into mission work in 2004, I believe it's a journey which many will find difficult to turn back from.
When the heart is willing, God will show so much, of not only what is needed for his Kingdom but also provide a world of opportunities to keep us contributing. I can attest that, it is truely in giving that we gain.
I am deeply grateful to all friends of Project Kyrie. Without your constant support for the poor, we will not be able to help people who need our assistance near or far.
Our network of friends have been growing year to year, the quickness and generosity of donors who respond to the various calls of needs presented to us, friends of Project Kyrie, fills me with a grateful heart. My walk in doing mission will continue as long as friends of Project Kyrie find it a good way to make a difference in the lives of others, as and when they can, when a request for help comes in to us.
As Scott Adams say : there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a riple with no logical end. It is along this line of thinking that we hope to bring not only opportunities, comfort and love to the poor but also make the world a slightly kinder place for those who are having a hard time.
You will see from the updates of our activities we have since the end of 2008, been reaching out to the poor amongst us in Singapore. Activities include distributing of food and goods surpluses in Singapore to NGOs and individuals who need them for the work they do here and abroad. We have become a distribution portal for some retailers and businesses. We wish to thank these businesses for their constant support of clothes, food, toys and household items.
Quite by accident, Project Kyrie has also started Kyrie Home Projects. We came across a few local families with nothing or very little in their flats. Requests to provide used furniture went out to our network of friends and the result has been amazing! God is good. We have now managed not only to create empty flats of poor families into comfortable homes but have also partnered NGOs to furnish their centres to help the under priviledged with our excesses.
So thank you, one and all for your trust, participation and generosity. We truely could not have done so much or continue to do more without you!
God Bless,