Thursday, August 25, 2005

Many Thanks to our anonymous sponsor. Posted by Picasa
As Martin Luther so aptly says:

"What is it to serve God and to do His will? Nothing else than to show mercy to our neighbor.
For it is our neighbor who needs our service; God in heaven needs it not." -- Martin Luther

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yeang Ryna is Sponsored!

Yeang Ryna has been sponsored for a year of secretarial course at Don Bosco.

Her father's two feet have been amputated since the war (Pon Pot). But he repairs bicycles in front of his house in order to earn a living. Her mother sells native cakes in front of her house, too. But the family earning is very small. Posted by Picasa

We hope that this sponsorship extended to her will make a difference to her life and that of her family.

Her kind Sponsors are Paul Raj & Friends, Anne Low and Theresa Sim.

"I tell you, that if you will not do good to the poor, God will not do good to you; in the hour of your death it shall be measured out to you with the same measure with which you have measured out to such as these. "
- Saint Camillus de Lellis (1550-1614)

Anonymous Angel

Thank You for your Heart of Gold!

We would like to thank anonymous friend of AFG for her support in our cause to support the education of the Cambodian children. Posted by Picasa

Sponsorship allocation:

USD$4000 - please use to furnish the kindergarten at Tuol Kork - furniture, books, playground, study equipment and maintenance. Yours to spend for your kinder Sis My Hahn :).

USD$1,400 - please reserve for upgrading of teachers ie airtickets ,courses, pocket money.If not used let us know we want to re-allocate.

USD$1,100 - for Phum Chreh Rachana's 2nd,3rd and 4th yr education. ( First year education already sent earlier this year to you,amount $541.19)

USD$1,000 for outreach to new villages ( tents, toys, school books etc)

USD$1,000 for Battambang.

USD$1,000 for Sroh Socheat and Proh Sophir

USD$500 for Sisters Multi Vitamins.

Praise God!

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