Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Thank you for the 3000 Panadols for Myanmar!

 Dearest Dr Priscilla,

Thank you so much for donating 3000 Panadols Tabs to poor in Myanmar.

Thank you for for your kindness in alleviating some of the suffering in the country.

God is Good to us to have friends like you and John on their side all the time!

Many Thanks and Stay Blessed,


“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Beddings for 60 girls at Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar

Many Thanks to Our Friend of Project Kyrie for giving New much needed Mattresses, Pillows, Bedsheets and Blankets to 60 young girls in Myanmar. The Salesian Sisters are very much relieved and grateful that the girls they care and educate can have a comfortable night's sleep.

Our Father is extremely generous and merciful. I am always awed by the generosity of his angels.
We pray that in these troubled times in Myanmar, the girls remember God's love when snuggle into their own new beddings and have a restful sleep.

God Bless All,

“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” - John 15:12


Thursday, March 07, 2024

Providing Stationery Supplies from June-Dec 2024 for 90 girls in Myanmar


Many thanks to Lena for providing much needed stationery for 2 schools with 90 students. Many thanks for always being there to support their education.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Supporting girls after graduation from Chanthagon to find jobs!


In countries 3rd world like Myanmar, often people are keen to sponsor children to study. If we understand the situation better, it's actually equally important for us to support the under privileged students who studied hard so many years to acquire a job so they can actually make a better life for themselves and for their families.

Once after graduation most of these girls do not have the resources available to travel to the cities, to pay for the city accommodation and food whilst they search for a job. Jobs are not available in the farms and the villages but in the expensive cities. Without help they have to go back home to the villages where there are no office jobs and all their education will just go to waste.

We are happy to be able to assist by supporting 20 young girls who would otherwise be at risk to travel to the cities of Yangon, Anisakan, Myitkyina, Mandalay, Kalay. We are also able to support 8 girls for 1 month for their food and accommodations in these cities for that they can have a fighting chance to secure a well paying job.

Many thanks to our angel sponsor who is giving these girls a chance to start their life with a proper footing. 

All Glory to God!

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” - St. Francis of Assisi

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sharing Christmas blessings with 60 girls at Pyin Oo Lwin for Christmas 2023

I am so thankful and grateful to be surrounded by friends who have kind hearts and have a great desire to share their blessings.

It's so easy for us to just pop online and buy what we need or to hop into a pharmacy to pick up items we need for ourselves and our families.

It takes a special person to be aware that it is not so for many people. They can't afford a bar of soap or shampoo or slippers or even a Christmas meal with an ice cream because they do not live in a country that is peaceful and full of opportunities like we do.

Many thanks to Lena for providing the Christmas meal and to Francesca for the much needed toiletries.
May your love for the girls warm their hearts this Christmas and May your care bring joy to them for the coming New Year in 2024.

We thank Jesus for making it possible for all of us to share our blessings.  

All Glory to God! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

Yours In Christ,

“The reason for our existence is to quench the thirst of Jesus. When he asked for water, the soldier gave him vinegar to drink—but his thirst was for love, for souls, for you and me.”
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Monday, December 11, 2023

Educating Children for Generations to Come!


Imagine this is a space for educating children for generations to come! It has been the dream of Sisters in Myanmar to buy this piece of property cum land to expand their school.

Many thanks to an Anonymous Angel for partnering us to make this possible.

Our part is this project is 100,000,000 kyat. May God multiply this generous gift endlessly 
for the good of his children who needs his love and care.

“Charity is the sweet and holy bond which links the soul with its Creator: it binds God with man and man with God.” – St. Catherine of Siena

Helping Sisters to start up a mobile library for needy village children

 Dear Friends,

Ending the end of 2023 giving the Salesian Sisters a hand to set up a mobile library for the village children in Philippines.

Many thanks to Helena & Daniel, Teresa & Friends, James and all others involved to make this 3 boxes of very good books available to the children.

May the children cultivate a love for reading and may their imagination have no limits and may these books bring them hours of good fun and invaluable knowledge.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Blessings to all,


St. Augustine. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” 

Friday, December 01, 2023

Warm Sweaters for girls in Pyin Oo Lwin

With temperatures dropping to 8 degrees C at night, it's wonderful to gift warm sweaters for these 60 girls in Myanmar. They are so happy to have something new and warm for Christmas and to usher in the New Year in 2024.

Many thanks to Teh Kee for providing these warm clothing. May the warmth they experience be  pleasing to the Lord. May He always bless you and family for your generosity and kindness.

Thank You!

'A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.'

Saint Basil

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Building a New Roof @ Phum Chreh for the Children


*boy sitting in the hot sun waiting for a dance event

When I first stepped foot in the Salesian School @ Phum Chreh in 2005, this boy and many children like him captured my heart. His plight and his living conditions spurred me to work hard on helping the sisters to get all that they need to help children like him in Cambodia. 

We can I believed, share what we have so others can live a little better.

Today, in 2023, 18 years later, I am happy to share that we are able to provide a new roof for the children. Seeing this new roof built seems to have a special significance in my heart. It is as I have come a full circle and Jesus is saying this is the reward for ploughing on all these years to help those with little.

Friends, pls join me to thank the donors for building this new roof for the Salesian Kindergarten @ Phum Chreh.

It is with great joy for the donors and for myself to know the children have a good and shaded space for their school activities in all weather conditions.

Education, health and fitness is the way to go for children to grow and overcome all hurdles in life.

🙏 With much gratitude to all involved in making this possible.

All Glory to Christ \o/\o/\o/

Friday, June 23, 2023

No Constant Electricity - A Gift of a Gas Stove


Sisters in Myanmar has difficulty getting electricity consistantly and being able to do basic cooking for themselves and the children at regular timing.

So wonderful to be able to gift them a new gas stove to serve 139 adults and kids. 

Thanks to all for making this possible.

All Glory to God!


Motorized Bicycle for the Culinary Students in Myanmar


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your support for education of young people. This motorized bicycle will be used by the students and staff of a Home and Food Management school in Yangon.

Marketing is almost impossible without some form of transport. Special thanks to wiwi and gred who joined us to provide this for the students.

Stay blessed!


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Water is Life!


Dear friends,

One thing I enjoy most about life is when we find friends who truly care about others.

The simplicity where people help others without expectations. It's just a joy to witness.

Nothing exciting about repairing and replacing the water treatment system for the Salesian Sisters in Myanmar. We often forget in Singapore clean water is essential for life.

Thank you to all who came together to help the sisters within 24hrs to make this urgent repairs possible.

God Bless everyone,


Monday, February 13, 2023

Education is the only way out to break out of poverty

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for providing 8 units of Samsung 55 inches LED TVs to improve the educational facilities for education for these young girls in Cambodia.

4 units will be for Tuek Thla and 4 units will be for Phum Chreh. I am always so awed by every body's sincere and constant generosity in so many ways to make the lives of people we don't know so much better.

Our partners on the ground ,the sisters of Don Bosco Schools in Cambodia is extremely grateful for the love and support from us.

Many thanks to Lena, Christine, Pearlie, Felicia, I Gek, Vivian, James, Christina, Francesca and an anonymous angel :)

God Bless all,


"What does love look like? It has hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sorrows and the sighs of men. This is what love looks like." - St Augustine


Saturday, October 01, 2022

Adopt-A-Box - 61 Boxes En- Route to Myanmar

Dear Frens,

Our Adopt-A-Box Project for Myanmar has been a Success!

An idea to Pack and Share what we have with the poor in Myanmar! A gift of love from our families to theirs!

It’s a great way to send love to a country that is currently going through a tough political crisis. Sharing our blessings is a good way to reach out to let our brothers and sisters in Myanmar know they are not alone nor forgotten.

Thank you all your wonderful and generous participation. Special thanks to James Koh, Teresa Chia, Christina Chua and Andrew for their countless trips they made to collect and drop off items plus sharing the plight of the poor to their friends and family to ensure that the project is a success.

Many Thanks to Lena Tan, Jenny Yeap, Frances Chua, Winnifred Wee, Han Ai Ling, Sheryl Tan, Diana De Rosario, Mandy  Chua, Francesca, Christina, Hilda Kang, Annie Soon, May Tan, Marina Ong, May Tan, Gerry Tan, Kwee Mui, Venetia Ng, June Lee, Cindy Tan, Mrs T.W. Ong, Priscilla, Lillian Ho, Michelle Voo, Derek Chua, Angie, Joan, Theresa Goh and all others who have helped in great and small ways.

My deep felt thanks also go out to Christina Tay for the heap of brand new toys, June Lee for the hundreds of T-shirts, Pauline from Sowell for the children's uniforms, Teresa Chia for collating and buying new books for the Nazareth's new library, Calvin Tay from Campus Corner and John Lee from Coldwear for the winter items that will be life saving when Dec and Jan comes along in Anisakan.

I also thank my mom for allowing me to make a big mess at home for months and will still be messy till all 61 boxes are packed and sent. Behind the scenes the unsung hero Cristina R. Giron for helping me to pack every single box with endless love for the poor. 

Thank you all again and we pray that every thing we have sent and everything we will be sending, Jesus will use it to bring hope, love and joy to those receiving it.

Your in Christ,


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